Wasif Kasim Consulting

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Sales Accountability – Use this template 👇🏾

Sales Accountability – Use this template 👇🏾

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How do you get your sales team to perform better?

It starts with you (the manager/founder).

Set clear goals.

Make it easy for them to see how they’re tracking.

And get them to self-report at least once a week on progress.

And most importantly – have the right mindset.

You’re not here to micromanage them.

You’re here to help them succeed (and put more commissions in their pocket).

As far as they can “feel this” – you’ll win.

As far as you can use the below template consistently to help them focus – you’ll win.

So, here’s what I recommend – 

1. Set clear KPIs

Often, in most agencies – these KPIs are either too vague, or you have way too many of them.

So limit these to a few primary KPIs, and a few secondary KPIs.

For example

Primary KPIs

  • Deas won per month – 20k mrr deals won per month
  • Pipeline created per month – 60k pipeline created per month

Secondary KPIs

  • MQLs contacted within 1 hour
  • All MQLs should be re-contacted every 3 days
  • All deals deals should  re-contacted every 7 days

2. Setup a weekly reminder in slack

Use Geekbot to ask sales to self-report back on key metrics at the end of each week & month.

Use this tool to automatically as the sales person for an update on primary & secondary KPIs

  • MRR won month to date vs target
  • Pipeline created month to date vs target
    Number of MQLs not contacted
  • Number of MQLs pending re-contacted every 3 days
  • Number of deals pending re-contacted every 7 days
  • Any roadblocks or challenges you need help with?

3. Setup a daily CRM review block

The more you look at the data, the more you’ll be aware of what needs to be done to win more deals.

Most agencies I come across don’t pay enough attention to this data.

And I’ve seen that being more “aware” can help increase deals won by 20-30% per month.

To ensure this happens –

Establish a recurring meeting for the salesperson for 30 mins daily – review your CRM & action items as needed.

The singular goal is to review CRM, keep it up-to-date, and act on data it shows.

4. Screenshot key metrics + share insights every 2 days

As a founder, you need to be on top of data.

The more you’re on top of data, the more you’re team will be.

Screenshot key elements from the dashboards or share key insights you see every 2 days.

Ask the team for their thoughts, or ask them to action any pending items.

Here’s a sample template below you can use –

5. [Template] Sales progress check-ins

@XXX, good morning!

A couple of quick things – overall, phenomenal work bringing the MQL not contacted & deals not contacted down.

However, there are still several pending that require action promptly (by COB)

Some quick data points for your action ASAP:

  •  MQLs not followed up > 3 days – currently at 35, from 65 yesterday. Please continue your focus to bring this down to under 5
  • Deals not followed up greater than 7 days – currently at 15, from 25 yesterday. Please ensure this is brought under 5 by COB today as well.
  • Stay diligent with your daily 1-hour Hubspot block – remember to lock in 1 hour every day, if you have not already. Never let this slip. It’ll help you plan your day well, and stay on top of all the deals and MQLS required (and more importantly, help you close more deals & make more $$$)
  • Reminder – Please use the “discovery playbook” within Hubspot – use this daily, and log all calls in Hubspot using this. If this isn’t within Hubspot, it will not be counted toward your KPIs.
  • Team target = 100k

Team stats:

  • MTD deals won – 65k vs 100k target
  • Pipeline generated – 300k vs 400k target

Thank you, and please reach out if you need anything


The Wrap Up

TLDR, if you’re not across your data, your team won’t be.

Salespeople get very busy – help them focus on the right stuff.When you do, you’lll win

Good luck!

Got questions on the template, Hubspot dashboard, or anything else?

Say hello and we’ll lock in a time to chat through

