What’s the right cadence to keep your sales team on track?
And how do you toe the fine line between micromanagement & empowering your team for success.
It’s all about setting clear KPIs
Having the “right” type of catch-ups
Making it easy for your team to see data
And giving them a framework to report back on
Here’s a cadence and framework that works quite well for sales teams.
Have a look, make it your own, and just do it consistently.
Consistency is key.
1. Slack update template
- MQLs not contacted > 3 days
- Deals not contacted > 7 days
- Attainment month-to-date VS goal
- And any other qualitative items you have noticed whilst reviewing the dashboards
2. Weekly 1:1 template
- Hubspot/CRM dashboard – set the expectation to “update the dashboard” before they arrive. If it isn’t up to date, allow time for them to do it during the meeting.
- Reconfirm goal for the month and establish attainment vs goal every week
- Forecast for the month.
- Ask for any roadblocks on their way, you can help with
- Ask for meetings they’re in, non-sales related they can be excluded from ongoing.
- If they have direct reports – check in on their dashboard, progress, and any coaching required.
- Discuss career goals – where they want to be in 12-24 months, what they feel is the gap, etc…and then, put together a mutually agreed roadmap
- Weekly manager feedback to cover:
- Areas they’re doing really well in
- Areas that need improve re above
- Provide manager’s perception on how the employee is faring VS KPIs (below expectations, meeting expectations, above expectations, etc.
3. Monthly report template
- Recap of previous month’s KPI vs attainment
- What went well
- What could have been better
- Plan for next month
- Forecast for month
Got questions on Cadence & Framework for Sales WIPs & Catch-Up, or anything else?
Say hello and we’ll lock in a time to chat through