Your B2B homepage is killing your conversions; here’s how to fix it.
Most homepages are SEVERELY under-optimised to convert.
I’ve spent over a decade testing this out – and have come up with a “mockup” structure to accelerate your conversions.
The good news?
It’s (usually) an easy fix, for fairly low effort.
Curious what it should look like?
Check it out below👇🏾
1. Header with a short value proposition
Make sure you keep this nice and punchy – this is super important. Focus on the value you offer potential clients – avoid features & services.
2. Client logos above the fold
This is critical for social proof, and building trust and authority. Remember, most 1st-time visitors might only spend under a couple of seconds on the page – you need to hit them with these logos ASAP to earn trust.
To re-iterate, please ensure these are above the fold
3. Client testimonials
As mentioned above, social proof is one of the most effective ways to maximise conversions.
Add as many testimonials as possible from clients that look like your ICP (ideal client profile).
4. A brief “About Us” section
Add your unique value proposition here, in a bit more depth.
However, keep it as brief as possible – and always benefit-driven (once again, no one cares about features)
This is the section people need to read and clearly understand how you are different to all the other competitors out there.
Add a video here from the founder to add a bit more personality as well.
5. Products & Services
Remember, to prospects, you probably look almost the same “on the tin” as your competitors.
Most make the mistake of having this high up on the homepage, which offers no differentiation whatsoever, which in turn impacts conversions.
However, when you have it further down the page like this – you’ve had the time to build some trust and credibility via the above modules, which in turn helps add a lot of confidence before the reader gets to this section.
As always, keep the copy benefits driven here as well, and keep it short and sweet.
6. Case Studies
Now that you’ve gotten them curious about your client logos, testimonials, and services – hit them with your best case studies for even more social proof.
Display your biggest clients here that closely resemble your ideal client profile.
Case studies will always be one of your most powerful assets for conversion – build and feature as many of these as possible.
7. Awards and/or featured in
Again, another place to establish more social proof and credibility.
Display all your awards here and/or all the publications you have been featured in.
8. Frequently Asked Questions
This is a commonly overlooked section on homepages, but plays a very big part in attracting “right fit” clients.
Use this section to answer commonly asked questions on your 1st call with a prospect, so new prospects can self-serve and decide whether they are a good fit.
Don’t be shy to mention information about your ideal client, the minimum budgets needed to work with your company & beyond.
This will help potential prospects self-qualify in or out, giving your sales team a lot of valuable time back in the process.
Plus, use this section to beef out your SEO for the main keyword you want your business to rank for.
It’s quite common to have about 2-4k words worth of content hidden in these modules, so do take advantage of this for your SEO strategy.
9. A “on-page” contact form
A lot of people prefer fancy pop-up forms – I prefer these the most.
Easy to dev, design & execute – and needs least “maintenance” over time as well.
Plus, in various tests over time – I’ve found these forms to convert just as well (if not better) than pop-up or modular forms.
All CTAs on the page should scroll down to this form.
Make sure you make this form a bit hard to fill out – add about 7-8 key details the prospect needs to fill out, that your sales team requires.
Make it too easy to fill out, and you will attract a lot of tire kickers.
Some suggested fields to include
– First name, work email, mobile number, website URL, company name, monthly budget, and a free text “how can we help you” field as well.
10. Footer
Add a standard footer, ensure this has all your key pages on there as well.
Got questions on homepage architecture, conversion tips, or anything else?
Say hello and we’ll lock in a time to chat through